House Colours

Term 3
Mon 22 July  – Fri 27 Sept
Term 4
Mon 14 Oct – TBC

Labour Day
Monday 28 October

School Policies

Rippa Rugby, Tackle Rugby, Soccer, Cricket

For each of these sports there are one-off tournaments played periodically throughout the year, usually over one school day against other local schools.


Teachers in Charge

For rugby and soccer: Christopher Pipes
For cricket: Clarinda Franklin


  • Parents/Caregivers are informed via school newsletters and this website when information is available about competitions and registration details.
  • The teacher in charge will call for expressions of interest for team members, then trials maybe held at school by the teacher in charge. On occasions parents may be asked to help.
  • Practices take place at lunch times or when coaches are available to assist.
  • All children will be provided with a uniform for inter-school matches.
  • Details of matches/games will be communicated to parents.
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